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Remember Google+?

I really liked it. One of my favourite features was circles.

Sometimes I only want to post to a sub-set of my followers, where it is relevant. For example, those in the UK only. Circles were great for that, as I could create my own and put people in them.

On the #fediverse it's all or nothing 😔

Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad

@David - Forking Mad you may find Circles and much more in #Friendica.
Mastidon ≠ Fediverse

There is a nice blog-article of someone who found all the many advantages of Friendica over Masto:

Als Antwort auf wolf

Thanks. I do have, and thought of moving to, a #Friendica account. There are some quirks and it's sometimes a little overwhelming. But a nice well rounded piece of software.
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad

@David - Forking Mad of course some people say that the look and feel is kind if old-fashioned what I agee to ;-)
Never the less its may dayly Fediverse software whith all the great features that I dont want to miss any more since years.
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad

@David - Forking Mad Have you looked at Friendica? I think their concept of circles matches what was used in Google+ at the time.
Als Antwort auf jasper

I have in the past. It was nice but a little overwhelming at times, and buggy. I am sure it has moved on a lot since.
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad

😀 Well, for what it’s worth, I agree an easy way of tailoring the target audience of a message in fediverse apps would be helpful.