Remember Google+?
I really liked it. One of my favourite features was circles.
Sometimes I only want to post to a sub-set of my followers, where it is relevant. For example, those in the UK only. Circles were great for that, as I could create my own and put people in them.
On the #fediverse it's all or nothing 😔
Kristian (inactive/moved)
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad • • •@Shannon Prickett
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad • •@David - Forking Mad you may find Circles and much more in #Friendica.
Mastidon ≠ Fediverse
There is a nice blog-article of someone who found all the many advantages of Friendica over Masto:…
mögen das
Kristian (inactive/moved) mag das.
David - Forking Mad
Als Antwort auf wolf • • •wolf
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad • •Never the less its may dayly Fediverse software whith all the great features that I dont want to miss any more since years.
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad • • •wolf mag das.
David - Forking Mad
Als Antwort auf jasper • • •wolf mag das.
Als Antwort auf David - Forking Mad • • •